
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On April 19th

Rick Miller

Rick was born April 19th, 1948 in Grand Rapids, MI. His career spanned 15 seasons (1971 - 1985), playing for: Boston Red Sox, California Angels.
Others born on April 19th: Fred Mauer, Don Gile, Bill Ferrazzi, Aaron Pointer, Jesus Delgado [more...]

Featured Champions: 1931 St. Louis Cardinals

Won the 1931 World Series over the Philadelphia Athletics, 4-3.
Team Leaders:
Wins: Bill Hallahan (19-9)
Hits: Sparky Adams (178)
Home Runs: Chick Hafey (16)
Stolen Bases: Frankie Frisch (28)