
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On April 20th

Todd Hollandsworth

Todd was born April 20th, 1973 in Dayton, OH. His career spanned 16 seasons (1995 - 2006), playing for: Los Angeles Dodgers, Colorado Rockies, Texas Rangers, Florida Marlins, Chicago Cubs, Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, Cincinnati Reds.
Others born on April 20th: Dan Smith, Tommy Everidge, Tony Perezchica, Dusty Coleman, Greg Brummett [more...]

Featured Champions: 1930 Philadelphia Athletics

Won the 1930 World Series over the St. Louis Cardinals, 4-2.
Team Leaders:
Wins: Lefty Grove (28-5)
Hits: Al Simmons (211)
Home Runs: Jimmie Foxx (37)
Stolen Bases: Bing Miller (13)