
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On April 27th

Frank Catalanotto

Frank was born April 27th, 1974 in Smithtown, NY. His career spanned 14 seasons (1997 - 2010), playing for: Detroit Tigers, Texas Rangers, Toronto Blue Jays, Milwaukee Brewers, New York Mets.
Others born on April 27th: Chad Zerbe, Benj Sampson, Runelvys Hernandez, John Whitehead, Ray Hayward [more...]

Featured Champions: 1974 Oakland Athletics

Won the 1974 World Series over the Los Angeles Dodgers, 4-1.
Team Leaders:
Wins: Catfish Hunter (25-12)
Hits: Joe Rudi (174)
Home Runs: Reggie Jackson (29)
Stolen Bases: Bill North (54)