2017 AL Final Standings

Plus Runs Scored and Runs Allowed Rankings

AL East Final Standings

Boston Red Sox 93 69 785 668 2917678
New York Yankees 91 71 858 660 3146966
Tampa Bay Rays 80 82 694 704 1253619
Toronto Blue Jays 76 86 693 784 3203886
Baltimore Orioles 75 87 743 841 2028424

AL Central Final Standings

Cleveland Indians 102 60 818 564 2048138
Minnesota Twins 85 77 815 788 2051279
Kansas City Royals 80 82 702 791 2220370
Chicago White Sox 67 95 706 820 1629470
Detroit Tigers 64 98 735 894 2321599

AL West Final Standings

Houston Astros 101 61 896 700 2403671
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 80 82 710 709 3019585
Seattle Mariners 78 84 750 772 2135445
Texas Rangers 78 84 799 816 2507760
Oakland Athletics 75 87 739 826 1475721

AL Ranking - Runs Scored

Houston Astros 896 101 61
New York Yankees 858 91 71
Cleveland Indians 818 102 60
Minnesota Twins 815 85 77
Texas Rangers 799 78 84
Boston Red Sox 785 93 69
Seattle Mariners 750 78 84
Baltimore Orioles 743 75 87
Oakland Athletics 739 75 87
Detroit Tigers 735 64 98
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 710 80 82
Chicago White Sox 706 67 95
Kansas City Royals 702 80 82
Tampa Bay Rays 694 80 82
Toronto Blue Jays 693 76 86

AL Ranking - Runs Allowed

Cleveland Indians 564 102 60
New York Yankees 660 91 71
Boston Red Sox 668 93 69
Houston Astros 700 101 61
Tampa Bay Rays 704 80 82
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 709 80 82
Seattle Mariners 772 78 84
Toronto Blue Jays 784 76 86
Minnesota Twins 788 85 77
Kansas City Royals 791 80 82
Texas Rangers 816 78 84
Chicago White Sox 820 67 95
Oakland Athletics 826 75 87
Baltimore Orioles 841 75 87
Detroit Tigers 894 64 98

2017 Statistical Leaders