
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On May 1st

Dan Gakeler

Dan was born May 1st, 1964 in Mount Holly, NJ. His career spanned 1 seasons (1991 - 1991), playing for: Detroit Tigers.
Others born on May 1st: Dan Gakeler, Joe Hietpas, Stan Palys, Charlie Reynolds, Felix Torres [more...]

Featured Champions: 1919 Cincinnati Reds

Won the 1919 World Series over the Chicago White Sox, 5-3.
Team Leaders:
Wins: Slim Sallee (21-7)
Hits: Edd Roush (162)
Home Runs: Heinie Groh (5)
Stolen Bases: Greasy Neale (28)