
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On April 27th

Bob Williams

Bob was born April 27th, 1884 in Monday, OH. He died August 6th, 1962 in Nelsonville, OH. His career spanned 3 seasons (1911 - 1913), playing for: New York Highlanders, New York Yankees.
Others born on April 27th: Kite Thomas, Enos Slaughter, Pedro Feliz, George Archie, Steve Connelly [more...]

Featured Champions: 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks

Won the 2001 World Series over the New York Yankees, 4-3.
Team Leaders:
Wins: Curt Schilling (22-6)
Hits: Luis Gonzalez (198)
Home Runs: Luis Gonzalez (57)
Stolen Bases: Tony Womack (28)