
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On April 26th

Shawn Kelley

Shawn was born April 26th, 1984 in Louisville, KY. His career spanned 11 seasons (2009 - 2018), playing for: Seattle Mariners, New York Yankees, San Diego Padres, Washington Nationals, Oakland Athletics.
Others born on April 26th: Shawn Kelley, Sal Maglie, Buzz Murphy, Bruce Ellingsen, Chris Magruder [more...]

Featured Champions: 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates

Won the 1979 World Series over the Baltimore Orioles, 4-3.
Team Leaders:
Wins: John Candelaria (14-9)
Hits: Omar Moreno (196)
Home Runs: Willie Stargell (32)
Stolen Bases: Omar Moreno (77)